Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Syrian Troops Find Chemical Weapons And Masks Hidden From The Syrian Rebels !!!

It's ironic how our government falsely blames the Syrian government for chemical attack against their own people. The United States government should blame themselves for sending these deadly chemicals to Syria. The third video below shows Syrian rebels firing chemicals weapons. The video in the middle talks about on June 16 2013 about a possible flase-flag using chemical weapons approved by our government.

Don't Ever Steal In Africa, A lesson Why !!

This is a violent video of some poor kids brutally being murdered over some bull-shit laptops and cell phones.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bath Salt Is Really Screwing Those Who Take It !!!

Bath Salt Is  One Of The Most Dangerous Hallucination Drugs Because It Permanently Damages The Brain.

Brother's Killing Brother's In Syria, When Will It Stop ??

Don't Ever Commit Suicide By Train, Here's A Lesson Why !!!

                This 20 Year Old  Man Is Really Gonna Hate His Life Without His Legs !!!

Cartels Lose Their Heads The Hard Way !!!

This War On Drugs Is A Total Failure, The Mexican Police, The Mexican Army And Anti-Drug Units Have Become The Same As Terrorist. Brothers Killing Brothers !! When Will It Stop !! LEGALIZE DRUGS !!!