Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Syrian Troops Find Chemical Weapons And Masks Hidden From The Syrian Rebels !!!

It's ironic how our government falsely blames the Syrian government for chemical attack against their own people. The United States government should blame themselves for sending these deadly chemicals to Syria. The third video below shows Syrian rebels firing chemicals weapons. The video in the middle talks about on June 16 2013 about a possible flase-flag using chemical weapons approved by our government.

Don't Ever Steal In Africa, A lesson Why !!

This is a violent video of some poor kids brutally being murdered over some bull-shit laptops and cell phones.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bath Salt Is Really Screwing Those Who Take It !!!

Bath Salt Is  One Of The Most Dangerous Hallucination Drugs Because It Permanently Damages The Brain.

Brother's Killing Brother's In Syria, When Will It Stop ??

Don't Ever Commit Suicide By Train, Here's A Lesson Why !!!

                This 20 Year Old  Man Is Really Gonna Hate His Life Without His Legs !!!

Cartels Lose Their Heads The Hard Way !!!

This War On Drugs Is A Total Failure, The Mexican Police, The Mexican Army And Anti-Drug Units Have Become The Same As Terrorist. Brothers Killing Brothers !! When Will It Stop !! LEGALIZE DRUGS !!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cooked And Fried For Their Money !!! A Super Market Horror !!!

On August 1, 2004 a major fire broke out in the Ycuá Bolaños supermarket in Asunción, Paraguay. The three story building that housed the Ycuá Bolaños V supermarket, commercial complex, a restaurant, several offices and an underground parking lot caught fire that burned for seven hours and caused two secondary explosions on the first floor. Investigators concluded that the fire was caused by a faulty barbecue chimney that leaked flammable gasses into the ceiling where they ignited.
In total 394 people perished in the fire, and nearly 500 more were injured. According to survivors and some volunteers firefighters, the chief reason for high death toll were orders by the supermarket’s owners Juan Pío Paiva and his son Víctor Daniel to have the gates closed in order to prevent panicking shoppers from fleeing without paying for merchandise. The complex also lacked emergency exits and had inefficient fire protection systems.
Initially, Juan Pío Paiva, Víctor Daniel and a security guard denied the accusations but later surrendered to the police and were formally charged. The architect who designed the complex and several municipal public servants were charged as well.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Boston Bombing Setup !!!

  Possible bombing suspects, looking like navy seals were not questioned about bombing, why ???
 Detonator or some kind of radiation sensor device.
 Another bombing suspect, never questioned by police.

Possible real bombers, were wearing military style navy seal type uniforms.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Shocking Video Of Police Murdering A Civilian !!! 5/12

All the civilian did was rest on the sidewalk because he was drunk and reacted when he was being punched by Fullerton, California police officer. After that they beat  and strangled the civilian as he screams and pleads for his life. As more officers arrived, instead of helping the civilian, they tazered him none stop and smashed his head with a flashlight. As the civilian started losing consciousness they strangled the civilian to death using some rope around his neck ! After everything, you hear the nazi police laughing about the civilian's screams. Welcome To The New World Order America !!!